
The search.js file is used to manage the Algolia search integration and experience.

How it works

This script automatically toggles the view of a regular page versus the search page when a user inputs a search string. With every added letter, a new search is performed against the index.

Results returned are grouped by parent article and then provided as a stacked series of links.

free search limit
Algolia typically allows 10,000 free monthly searches — though this is subject to change.

Set up

  1. Create an Algolia account.
  2. Provide your App ID and Search Only API Key to the searchClient (these are safe to reveal; the Admin API Key is not.).
  3. Push or upload your site’s index, found at /index.json.

That’s it! Start searching.

I personally just download this file and upload it per release; it’s a manual process — but super easy. You are welcome to integrate the Algolia API with your Admin API Key to push auto updates.

have it your way

There are several ways to implement Algolia; DocSearch is popular and free. I personally like to integrate the style of the UX more, but this can require more knowledge of InstantSearch.js.

If you like the default implementation but wish to style the search hits differently, you can do so in the performAlgoliaSearch(query) function.

Source code

// document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
//   const searchInput = document.getElementById("searchInput");
//   const pageContainer = document.getElementById("pageContainer");
//   const searchResultsContainer = document.getElementById(
//     "searchResultsContainer"
//   );

//   // Algolia configuration
//   const searchClient = algoliasearch(
//     "4TYL7GJO66", // APP ID 
//     "4b6a7e6e3a2cf663b3e4f8a372e8453a" // Search Only API Key
//   );
//   const searchIndex = searchClient.initIndex("default"); // Replace 'default' with your Algolia index name

//   console.log("sclient", searchClient);
//   // console.log("s", search);
//   // Function to group search results by parent
//   function groupResultsByParent(hits) {
//     const groupedResults = {};

//     hits.forEach((hit) => {
//       const parent = hit.parent;
//       if (!groupedResults[parent]) {
//         groupedResults[parent] = [];
//       }
//       groupedResults[parent].push(hit);
//     });

//     return groupedResults;
//   }

//   // Function to perform Algolia search and update results with more details
//   function performAlgoliaSearch(query) {
//     searchIndex
//       .search(query)
//       .then(({ hits }) => {
//         // Group search results by parent
//         const groupedResults = groupResultsByParent(hits);

//         // Display grouped search results in the search results container
//         const resultsHTML = Object.keys(groupedResults).map((parent) => {
//           const parentResults = groupedResults[parent];

//           const parentHTML = parentResults
//             .map((hit) => {
//               return `
//                 <a href="${hit.relURI}">
//                 <div class="mb-4 text-black hover:bg-brand hover:text-white rounded-lg p-4 my-2 bg-zinc-100 transition duration-300 shadow-md">
//                   <h3 class="text-lg font-bold">${hit.title}</h3>
//                   <p class="text-sm ">${hit.description}</p>
//                 </div>
//                 </a>
//               `;
//             })
//             .join("");

//           return `
//             <div class="mb-8">
//               <h2 class="text-xl font-bold text-black">${parent}</h2>
//               ${parentHTML}
//             </div>
//           `;
//         });

//         searchResultsContainer.innerHTML = resultsHTML.join("");
//       })
//       .catch((err) => {
//         console.error(err);
//       });
//   }

//   // Event listener for typing in the search input
//   searchInput.addEventListener("input", () => {
//     const inputValue = searchInput.value.trim();

//     // Toggle "hidden" class based on whether there is input in the search field
//     if (inputValue !== "") {
//       // Show search results container and hide page container
//       searchResultsContainer.classList.remove("hidden");
//       pageContainer.classList.add("hidden");

//       // Trigger Algolia search with the input value
//       performAlgoliaSearch(inputValue);
//     } else {
//       // Show page container and hide search results container
//       searchResultsContainer.classList.add("hidden");
//       pageContainer.classList.remove("hidden");
//     }
//   });

// });