
Inline code samples are great — but code samples that are pulled from source files can be even better! This {{%include%}} shortcode is inspired by Sphinx’s .. literalinclude:: functionality.

This document is going to be a bit meta.

How it Works

The {{%include%}} shortcode accepts 3 positional args: lang, start, and stop. All are optional.

Don't forget to use %
This shortcode relies on Hugo’s markdown rendering to automatically handle code syntax highlighting. If you surround this shortcode with < > instead, it will break.


This File

title: include.html
description: learn how to use the literal shortcode
<!--start -->
Inline code samples are great --- but code samples that are pulled from source files can be even better! This `{{%/*include*/%}}` shortcode is inspired by Sphinx's `.. literalinclude::` functionality. 

{{<notice snack>}}
This document is going to be a bit meta. 

## How it Works

The `{{%/*include*/%}}` shortcode accepts 3 **positional** args: `lang`, `start`, and `stop`. All are optional.

{{<notice warning "Don't forget to use %">}}
This shortcode relies on Hugo's markdown rendering to automatically handle code syntax highlighting. If you surround this shortcode with `<` `>` instead, it will break.

### Examples 

### This File

{{%include "reference/layouts/shortcodes/" "md" %}}

### Python File With Comments

{{%include "static/" "python" "# Start 1" "# End 1" %}}

## Source Code 

{{%include "layouts/shortcodes/include.html" "go" %}}

Python File With Comments

def demo_function(arg1, arg2):
    """Demo Function

    This function takes two arguments and returns their sum.

        arg1 (int): The first argument.
        arg2 (int): The second argument.

        int: The sum of arg1 and arg2.
    return arg1 + arg2

Source Code

{{ $path := .Get 0 }}
{{ $lang := .Get 1 | default "s" }}
{{ $start := .Get 2 | default nil }}
{{ $stop := .Get 3 | default nil}}
{{ $content := readFile $path }}
{{ $chunked := split $content "\n" }}
{{ $snippet := "" }}
{{ $capture := false }}
{{if eq $start nil }}
{{ $capture = true }}
{{- range $chunked }}
    {{ if and (not $capture) (in . $start) }}
        {{ $capture = true }}
    {{ else if and $capture (in . $stop) }}
        {{ $capture = false }}
    {{ else if $capture }}
        {{ $snippet = print $snippet . "\n" }}
    {{ end }}
{{- end }}

{{ printf "```%s\n%s\n```" $lang $snippet | safeHTML }}