
The sidebar-left.js file is used to manage the scroll-into-view link experience in the navigation/sidebar-left.html partial layout.

How it works

  1. The script finds the active link via [data-current="true] attribute set by logic in the sidebar-left.html template.
  2. After a 300ms delay, it scrolls until the active link is visible.

Source code

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    const sidebar = document.getElementById('linkTree');
    const toggles = sidebar.querySelectorAll('.expand-toggle');
    const currentPath = window.location.pathname;

     * Toggle the display of nested content and rotate the SVG icon.
     * @param {HTMLElement} toggle - The toggle button element.
     * @param {boolean} expand - Whether to expand or collapse.
    function toggleContent(toggle, expand) {
        const listItem = toggle.closest('li');
        const nestedContent = listItem.querySelector('.nested-content');

        if (nestedContent) {
            if (expand) {
                toggle.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true');
                toggle.querySelector('svg').style.transform = 'rotate(90deg)';
            } else {
                toggle.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false');
                toggle.querySelector('svg').style.transform = 'rotate(0deg)';

     * Recursively expand all parent directories of the active link.
     * Also, if a parent section is active, expand its immediate children.
     * @param {HTMLElement} element - The active link element.
    function expandParents(element) {
        let parentLi = element.closest('ul').closest('li');

        while (parentLi) {
            const toggle = parentLi.querySelector(':scope > div > .expand-toggle');
            if (toggle && toggle.getAttribute('aria-expanded') !== 'true') {
                toggleContent(toggle, true);

                // If the parent link is a section, expand its immediate children
                const parentLink = parentLi.querySelector('a[data-section="true"]');
                if (parentLink) {
                    const childToggles = parentLi.querySelectorAll(':scope > .nested-content .expand-toggle');
                    childToggles.forEach(childToggle => {
                        // Optionally, you can decide whether to auto-expand child toggles
                        // For this example, we'll keep them collapsed unless they are active
                        // toggleContent(childToggle, false);
                        // Uncomment the above line if you want to ensure children are collapsed
            parentLi = parentLi.closest('li').closest('ul').closest('li');

     * Initialize the sidebar by collapsing all directories and then expanding necessary ones.
    function initializeSidebar() {
        // Collapse all directories initially
        toggles.forEach(toggle => {
            toggleContent(toggle, false);

        // Find the current active link
        const currentLink = sidebar.querySelector(`a[data-current="true"]`);
        if (currentLink) {

            // Expand all parent directories

            // If any parent sections are active, expand their immediate children
            const activeSections = sidebar.querySelectorAll('a[data-section="true"].text-brand');
            activeSections.forEach(sectionLink => {
                const toggle = sectionLink.closest('li').querySelector('.expand-toggle');
                if (toggle && toggle.getAttribute('aria-expanded') !== 'true') {
                    toggleContent(toggle, true);

            // Smooth scroll to the active link
            setTimeout(() => {
                currentLink.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center' });
            }, 300);

     * Setup click listeners for all toggle buttons.
    function setupToggleListeners() {
        toggles.forEach(toggle => {
            toggle.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
                const isExpanded = this.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true';
                toggleContent(this, !isExpanded);

    // Initialize the sidebar and setup listeners