The {{<collapse>}}
shortcode is a simple way to create collapsible sections in your documentation. This is great for hiding large amounts of content that you don’t want to overwhelm your readers with.
How it works #
The {{<collapse>}}
shortcode accepts 2 named args: title
and description
is the title of the collapsible section.description
is the content that will be hidden until the user clicks on the title.
Examples #
this is the hidden content.
{{<collapse title="Click me" description="I'm hidden content!">}}
Click me
I'm hidden content!
this is the hidden content.
Source code #
{{$title := .Get "title" | default "Expand"}}
{{$description := .Get "description"}}
{{- if ne hugo.Environment "pdf" -}}
<section class="collapse-container mb-4">
<div onclick="this.nextElementSibling.classList.toggle('hidden'); this.children[0].children[0].classList.toggle('rotate-90')" class="cursor-pointer px-4 py-2 rounded-md shadow-md bg-zinc-100 text-black flex items-center">
<!-- SVG container with flex-none to prevent it from growing or shrinking -->
<div class="flex-none">
<svg class="transition-transform transform" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="#9ca3af" stroke-width="2">
<path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M9 5l7 7-7 7" />
<div class="flex-grow ml-2">
{{- with $title -}}
<h4 class="font-bold">{{- . -}}</h4>
{{- end -}}
{{- with $description -}}
<p>{{- . -}}</p>
{{- end -}}
<div class="hidden px-4 py-2 border border-t-0 border-zinc-100 border-dotted">
{{ .Inner | markdownify }}
{{- else -}}
{{ .Inner | markdownify }}
{{- end -}}